I know you are making more use of it from the day one you landed on US, than before. One day, your eyes can forget the fun or lovely moment spent, but with just a click, it can capture your moments for it's life long. Nobody would go outing without this handy, palm size, moment capturing guy, mmhmm, am talking about your Camera. Thinking about the number of photos taken and sent to your parents or friends in home town? I know, isn't it crazy?
If you are a mom, capturing your kid's first crawl or walk or anything he/she does will make you joyous. Later when you go back and look at those pictures, it will remind you those moments spent, which cannot be replayed, that either makes you feel happy or sad, in a different way. I also do the same thing just like you, yep, often open my pictures folder and smile at it. They are some memories, eh? Of course you would have experienced this, right? I just got carried away with my moments.
The point am trying to make here is, why not turn your fun clicks into something with creativity and become a photographer? How does that sound? I mean, imagine yourself as a professional, isn't that great? Photography is really fun to learn with artistic eyes. Am sure you have a pair of it. You know what? Passion makes you really powerful. There are even online courses available. Did you know, pictures of dishes in cook book magazines aren't original, but fake. I have wondered, how could a dish become so picture perfect, and found that they are just feast for the eyes.
Capture the world with your magical eyes!!!
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