Earth day(April 22) is a day to inspire awareness of the destruction of earth's natural preserves and the importance of the environment. As only one day would not be sufficient for the environment, Earth week was created(April 16-22). Arbor day is a day where individuals are encouraged to plant and care for trees.
On April 17th, h
ere in Bellevue, at Lewis creek park, a volunteering event took place as part of the Earth week. It was park enhancement project at the park which includes planting, trail resurfacing and removing invasive species. I volunteered for the event and participated in the project. It was a beautiful Saturday morning (8:30am) and I was with full of energy and enthusiasm. Many kids volunteered and they all seem to be excited. Once I checked in, a free t-shirt was given as a token of appreciation and small groups were made. Each group was lead to different areas, and then, shovels and vests were distributed. Then with my gloves on, I started digging in and planting. It went on for nearly 2 hrs and at the end awaits refreshments at the table, which includes fruits, cookies and candies. My day started with a smile in my heart.
Thanks Naval Langa. I am a great fan of pencil drawing. Will definitely look at it. Thanks again.